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ХV Весенняя конференция издательства «Макмиллан»

Уважаемые коллеги!

Приглашаем вас принять участие в юбилейной XV Весенней конференции издательства «Макмиллан»! 30.03.2016г.

В конференции принимают участие:

М.В. Вербицкая (видео выступление), д. ф. н., председатель предметной комиссии по иностранным языкам ЕГЭ, автор бестселлера Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia
Dave Spencer, специалист в области теории и практики преподавания английского языка, автор УМК Gateway
Teresa Doguelli, специалист в области теории и практики преподавания английского языка, методист издательства «Макмиллан»

10.00-11.00 Регистрация участников

Выставка-продажа литературы издательства «Макмиллан»

11.00-11.20 Открытие

11.20-11.35 М.В. Вербицкая: «ЕГЭ 2016 vs ЕГЭ 2015» (видеовыступление)

11.35-12.25 Dave Spencer: Grammar Games and Activities: Hi Tech, Low Tech, No Tech!

How important is grammar for our students? If it is important, how can we motivate our students to want to practise it and help them to learn it more efficiently? This session will aim to answer these questions and to suggest a number of practical games and activities that can help make grammar more enjoyable for you and your students. The activities will range from the exciting new idea of the Flipped Classroom, which can offer our teenage students a whole new dimension to learning grammar in the 21st Century, to classic games that need nothing but a blackboard and chalk!


Teresa Doguelli: Grammar for Pleasure
The words grammar and pleasure are not often seen side by side. Throughout the history of English Language Teaching, grammar has been seen by teachers and learners as a painful but staple necessity and has been carried out with professional solemnity and rigour. Research since the 1970s into how learning takes place, however, has focussed increasingly on the importance of the affect i.e. emotions, especially pleasure and happiness, in aiding the learning, acquisition and retention of knowlege and skills. The increased focus on the importance of play and the critical role played especially by Dopamine in the human brain have fuelled further the need to merge physiological and psychological dimensions with the pedagogical one to make learning effective and permanent. This lively and interactive seminar will focus on how these needs can be met with examples from Macmillan’s Grammar Goals for Young Learners.


Место проведения: Центральный дом кинематографиста, Большой зал
Адрес: г. Москва, ул. Васильевская, д. 13
Проезд: ст. метро «Белорусская» (кольцевая)


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