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Лекция Mark Unwin "Teaching IELTS Outside the Box" - 12 апреля, Москва, Педмарафон-2015

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 Компания «ОНАРА» и издательство National Geographic Learning приглашают вас посетить лекцию Марка Анвина (Mark Unwin), которую он прочтет в рамках дня английского языка «Педмарафона-2015»:

Адрес:                 МПГУ, г. Москва, ул. Малая Пироговская, д.1, стр. 1

Начало:               13:45
Тема:                    Teaching IELTS Outside the Box 

What do IELTS candidates think are the most difficult aspects of the exam? And do Examiners and teachers agree? Focusing on linguistic skills in the IELTS classroom makes sense. But is that all that candidates need? Are there other ways that teachers can help their students maximise their potential in IELTS, and achieve the scores they need? In this lively and engaging workshop, IELTS Express author, Mark Unwin, demonstrates how encouraging candidates to think laterally, to think 'outside the box' and to approach exam tasks in a freer,  more creative way can lead to enhanced performances in both the Speaking and Writing papers and success in IELTS.

Лектор:               Mark Unwin
Mark Unwin initially trained and worked as an actor, appearing on stage in several productions in London’s West End (including the hit comedy ‘An Evening with Gary Lineker’) and on TV (including the BBC’s ‘EastEnders’). Pursuing an interest in writing, Mark moved on to write drama and comedy for Off West End productions and BBC Radio 4, whilst also working as a business roleplayer and teaching EFL in private language schools and EAP and IELTS at London Metropolitan University. His research into the problems faced by IELTS candidates led to the development of a new approach to IELTS preparation and the creation of supporting material, resulting in the creation of the series of course books, ‘IELTS Express’. He has taught and lectured at a number of institutions in the UK and in Spain, including the University of the Arts, the University of Greenwich, SOAS, the University of Barcelona and ESADE. From 2007 he has been a Senior Lecturer in EAP at the University of East London. In recent years, Mark has added yet another string to his bow and is now pursuing interest in Landscape Architecture. He is currently working part-time for global engineering firm, Arup. Mark has given talks and led workshops for teachers of IELTS in the UK, Ireland, Spain, UAE and Oman.


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